Tourist Information Centre (TIC)


You are kindly invited to the new Tourist Information Centre (TIC), which has moved from the previous location at Krekov trg to the very heart of the old city centre – Glavni trg 17. The added value to the new premises of TIC is the Pavilion for the Presentation of Archaeological Remains, which is becoming one of the main tourist attractions of the city!


The purpose of the new Pavilion is to present the archaeological collection to the wider public. The collection was discovered during the renovation of the old city centre. The meaning of the discovered archaeological remains is exceptional not only in Slovenia but in Europe as well. The new discoveries have profoundly altered the picture of ancient Celeia and have drawn a completely new map of the Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

According to Jure Krajšek, PhD, a curator at Celje Regional Museum, the most important archaeological discoveries at Glavni trg are:

  • The basement area of the first City Hall, where stone balls – missiles and a bronze barrel of arquebus (a short rifle) from the second half of the 15th century have been discovered. The missiles and the bronze barrel connect the said space with the storage of weapons and city armory.
  • Two Roman city villas have partially been studied as well. The explored areas of both villas had been decorated with wall paintings – frescoes, a stucco and mosaics. Both villas had partly been heated with hot-air floor heating.
  • The discovery of the villas and a part of the Roman road has confirmed the assumption of a unified urban plan with perpendicularly intersecting streets and a systematic construction of Celeia in the first half of the 1st century.
  • The explored walls, structures and layers prove that Celeia economically flourished in the 4th century and at least partially confirms the thesis of relocation of the provincial capital from Virunum to Celeia. Due to the changes made to the project, we managed to achieve that most of the documented archaeological structures and archaeological layers have neither been reached or damaged by the construction procedures. The remains of Celeia therefore remain secured and preserved for the future generations as well.

Celje has therefore acquired a new Tourist Information Centre, which is an important asset for the city centre. Together with the striking pavilion it represents an interesting tourist destination for foreign and local visitors, a presentation of cultural heritage and a place, where tourists as well as residents of Celje and other local visitors can gather all the necessary information about our city in one place. The Tourist Information Centre offers an eye-catching, rich selection of local, regional (products of the Land of Celje) and national souvenirs. A special section of the Tourist Information Centre is dedicated to the local artists, who are active in the realm of the Art Quarter.

We are looking forward to your visit!

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